Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weekend Diaries...

Well it's been a long time since I regaled you with tales of my awesome weekends. So going back to tradition I shall be doing so about this weekend. And though the weekend is far from over, as I write this on Sunday afternoon, I'm not sure if I want any more excitement for this weekend. But, then again, most of the best times one has are impromptu!

Anyway, Friday evening after work seemed to be an absolute disaster. 7:30 pm saw me finishing up dinner and preparing myself for an early night. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, 7 freakin' 30!

Then the phone rang.

I waded into a stream of expletives as PS who's come back to Bangalore a couple of weeks back and is currently staying at his company guest house politely told me what he thought of my 'host' behaviour. "It's a Friday and not even a call from you SB? Is this how you treat guests into your city. I bet the welcome would've been diammetrically opposite if it was a pretty girl who had come into town! You $@%@#^@#$ and $@%^$%!#."
Having thus opened my sleep dreary eyes, PS proceeded to awaken the normal non-730-sleeping-swapnil in me. And then things started moving!

We decided to meet up at Purple Haze ( ). A couple of text messages later two more people NK and PG also hopped on the bandwagon. Poor chaps had to come all the way across the city as they were working, but their pithy li'l eyes lit up (I'm assuming) when they read my sharp, crisp sms - "puple haze?". Ah, the joy of effective communication is indeed in connecting with the listeners inner wants. Beer, in this case!

Another friend, H, joined us after a tough day at work and PS also brought a colleague with him. After this it was great fun. The music was good, the conversation flowed smoothly, and after the customary 11:15 shut down of all pubs in Bangalore we took a walk around the place to get something to eat. The ever life saving Imperial hotel came to our rescue as we closed the day after a scrumptious meal there. Came back home just after midnight, read a bit and then slept off. A perfect Friday evening.

Saturday morning saw Sid and me putting on our sporty gear to get a couple of sets of tennis. Unfortunately since I left my last company (Wipro, for those who know me only through the online world. And also, I have been reprimanded that I put nothing about my job change etc. on my blog. All I'd like to say is that I am sticking to my policy of not writing anything about work on this blog. I really don't want this blog to become a cribbing/venting out place for a week full of work. Suffice to say I moved jobs recently but am still based out of Bangalore)I get to use the courts there only as an accompanied guest. Which is no problem as one or the other guys can raise me a pass, the issue is that I'm not allowed to enter the campus before 8:30am. And with the weather playing truant with searing heat through the day, an 8:30 start means that we end up getting inordinately tanned (baked?). But what to do? Tennis has to be played!

We had a pretty good game and I managed to fight my way out from the verge of defeat. Hell, why am I being modest on my own blog? I was 1-5 down and managed to pull it up to a tie break which I eventually won. Very very awesome game.

But things were only getting better and better. After one of those really awesome naps that happen once in a while only - the ones from which you wake up completely refreshed and have no clue how many calls you've missed- it was time for another party!

Now almost every weekend I hangout at one of two houses of my ex-colleagues and have a good time. This time we decided that if we're going to see the same familiar faces again and again, the least we can do is to change the surrounding! So the six of us met at La Casa, a quaint little continental restaurant, near Sarjapur. I've written about this restaurant earlier as well

The food was good and the conversation was hilarious but 11:30 saw us being turned out of the place again. Seriously, this 11 pm deadline is disgusting. I mean, things just start getting warmed up by 11 and the waiters surround your table entreating you to get the hell out!

So there we were, 6 people stuffing themselves in my car, singing along to blaring Dev D songs (yes, the CD is still there in my car's music system), and zeroing into yet another branch of the eternal life saver Imperial Hotel. We picked up some food from there and landed at, where else, one of the two regular haunts we have. But then some good music was played and we sat up till around two.

And Sunday has gone nice and relaxed as it should go till now. And as I'm about to curl up for yet another afternoon nap, I can only say that you never know - the evening may suddenly throw up some other possibility that warrants a whole post to itself!

C'est la vie!


Anonymous said...

good work buddy..........

need bpo jobs without a single rupee!!!!!!!! a genuine job from home.

Work from home

Sumeet Popli said...

the pubs in bangalore shut at 11:15 ???

what a disaster of a city!! @$@%@^!#!~

come to singapore. they get started at 11:15pm

Swapnil said...

Popli: Stop showing off!